

Concetto: metamorfosi come sconfinamento.

l'individualità si amalgama nella realtà che la circonda, si confonde con la natura, con gli oggetti.
perde ogni confine spazio temporale.

Montaggio: "combi-photography"

tecnica della sovrapposizione di fotogrammi, due o più, come per la fotografia analogica.
fusione di forme e colori - realtà  e individualità - attraverso una visione sinestetica

Un viaggio di mutazioni inizia nel sonno

Concept: metamorphoses as  "merging of margins"  

individuality blends into the surrounding reality, melts into the nature, in the objects around.
it loses boundaries; it loses temporal space.

Montage: "combi-photography"

Technique: superimposition of photograms (two or more), as in analog photography
Fusion of forms and colours - reality and individuality - through a synaesthetic perspective

A journey of mutations begins in sleep.


SALE- prostitution

PHTHISIS- illness

PETROLEUM – environmental disasters

ASPHALT WOMAN- destitution

AMPUTATION – wars in the world

URANIUM – Fukushima Accident 2011

  • SALE
  • A pink dream
the ambition bird
wild rose
the rose
acid bitter and sad
the clock
the woman wood
Yellow Like a Lover's Words
woman bark
et son Double

Water Dreams Insomnia

  • dormiente
  • fill the river with stones
  • The Tide is Turning
  • Ophelia
  • Nebulosa
  • Liquid dream
  • untitled trailer
  • Insomnia
  • Dream Puddle
  • looking for the great escape
  • in the early hours
  • noctrnal
  • sleepwalking...
  • sleepwalking





Interior, Day
soleil levant
The Raining Room
Meet me on the other side
warm grey
